2 Peter 1:4 NKJVExceed Great Precious Promise... These are the words I want to extract from this verse. Primarily Exceed.
To Exceed:
exceedEXCEE'D, v.t. [L. excedo; ex and cedo, to pass.
1. To pass or go beyond; to proceed beyond any given or supposed limit, measure or quantity, or beyond any thing else; used equally in a physical or moral sense. One piece of cloth exceeds the customary length or breadth; one man exceeds another in bulk, stature or weight; one offender exceeds another in villainy.
In practical terms. If water were to exceed the boundaries or limits of a glass, it would then overflow. If a pressurized bottle of soda were sealed and filled beyond it's boundaries it might explode. These are natural boundaries. There are also boundaries set by an authority. For example the fire department places a sign in all businesses and public places designating a limit or capacity. The capacity is well below the actual size of the room and the rooms ability to fit more people. A whole section of the Cowboy stadium was closed not due to a lack of seats but due to the authority that said the seats were not fit for the capacity. It would be unsafe to occupy that space. Most capacity limits are in reference to getting the people back out of the building safely in the case of a fire.

However, suppose for a moment that you packed the room with people. In fact let's suppose you went beyond ridiculous and packed people in so tight that everyone was body to body and there was hardly room for air in between. Would that room truly be at capacity? Actually no, contortionists could fit more people in, and there is air above them... So what does capacity refer to? Authority. So what if you wanted to seat more people than the room's sign said you could and the authority said you were not allowed. You would either need to:
- Deal with it and do without
- Suffer the consequences of disobedience
- Appeal to a higher authority!

A higher authority could override the decision of the first authority. Due to Adams disobedience mankind relinquished this world to Satan. He is named the god of this present world of darkness. He is a thief and a liar. He comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. ALL nations under his control and absent of God the Fathers' Word are void of life and desolate. Satan is the authority of this Babylonian system called the world.

10/40 window is a perfect example of a world without God. These people, including the Middle East, Asia, and parts of Africa, are the least reached by the Word of God and the Gospel of Christ, as a DIRECT RESULT they suffer more hatred, wars, violence, death, sickness, poverty, demons, and fear! Right in the middle of that mess lies Israel, once called Palestine under roman rule and ottoman rule until the 1800's. At the time of Israel's Re Founding the land was a desolate wasteland. Israeli and Arab nomads filled the desert waste. Nothing would succeed or grow there. As the WORD was brought back by Israel the land became fruitful and multiplied and filled up the earth.
Read Israel 101, the land is bringing fruit and technology in some cases way ahead of the US and China. The USA went from a nomad land to a land producing the best and brightest. UK, Germany, France... All touched by the Word of God, despite religion not because of it. As each of these lands pull back from the Word as a country, they suffer loss, theft, death, and destruction. These are the work of the devil. Only as we pull back from God do these occur in a persons life or in a society.
So what? The devil kills. What am I going to do about it? Among other things, I have authority over my life not the devil. Jesus ripped the keys from him and gave them to us. I can appeal to THE higher authority. I am IN that system but not OF it. I am an ambassador of THE kingdom that rules over all!
Colossians 1
God willed to make known what are the riches of the Glory of this mystery, which is: "Christ In Us" AND "the Hope of Glory".

Christ is IN ME. The Anointed one and His Anointing is IN ME! I have the hope, eager expectation of a glorified body in the glory of heaven! I have the greater one IN ME, how can I fear? How can I waiver? How can I doubt? ONLY by not being totally saturated with the knowing that CHRIST IS IN ME! He is inside of me right now! I am who He says I am, I can do what He says I can do, I have EVERYTHING He says I have! I open my heart to the Word of God today to hear something that will change my life forever!
It is HIS WORD IN ME that overcomes the devil in my life. Attacks WILL come, I WILL OVERCOME!
It is HIS WORD IN the USA and it's Leaders that will overcome. Attacks WILL COME, and we WILL OVERCOME!
GLORY! EXPLODE past the devils failed attempts to place limits and boundaries on your life that GOD never said you had to have! Satan is not your authority! Walk in the KINGDOM of God!
Darrell G. Wolfe
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