- Set a proper username once you are able.
- Set a proper description.
Both of these functions are on the "Update Info" panel. Under the Admin Panel, which is at the top of your page if you are signed in as you and viewing the public page. Look for "Update Info" under the "Edit Page" section.

Then You will find the third option down is "Username". Once you choose it you either won't be able to chang it, or you'll have to pay a fee to do so, so choose wisely. Remember that the username will come after Facebook.com like this "Facebook.com/Username" So choose something that is simple to say and write and will fit easily on a business card. See mine for example: Facebook.com/n2goodsuccess.
About Section
Another factor to look at is the description section of your page. You can set this also on the "Update Info" page and look for the "Short Description" box. This will translate onto your page as an "About" section just under your profile photo. This section should be short. Put a motto/saying/business catch phrase. Then put either a link to your website or twitter account or both. Something for people to link out of Facebook and into your "real" web presence. If you don't have anything besides facebook place something else of interest. The MOST important thing you want them to know should be here and be short.Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!
I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!
N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe
Blog: http://n2gs.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/n2goodsuccess
Twitter: http://twitter.com/n2goodsuccess
See Also:
Books by Darrell G. Wolfe: Amazon.com/author/darrellgwolfe
Book Suggestions from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Brand and Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store
Other Blogs and Sites by the Wolfe Family: http://wfconceptions.wordpress.com/
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