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I voted by Tony Alter |
Vote - it doesn't matter if we agree, but don't complain if you don't like what is happening and you did not vote. Tony Alter
2014 Mid Term Elections
By all projections, the GOP (republicans) will have picked up seats in both the House and Senate races. It’s possible that when it’s all done, they will control both houses. I wish I could say I was glad. Quite often, when we take control we bicker and fight and get nothing done. We spend more time blaming and finger pointing than actually providing meaningful solutions. I wish there was a party that was neither republican or democrat that I could vote for. I’m nearly done with both of them. Then, after two years of getting nothing done, and providing no real solutions (even though we have them), America tries the democrats again, because at least they speak with one voice and have a plan (even though it's the plan that will lead to more destruction). Republicans are their own worst enemy.
Appeal One: PLEASE don't screw this up!
You see, there’s two problems.
1. I don’t trust MOST republicans, or nearly any democrats for that matter. Democrats, in general, are notoriously for things I can’t stand by, and continuously push a socialist state, increasing the power and role of government. The old time republicans (Rhinos as they are called) are for big government too, just in different ways. Very few have the small government mindset we need to get this country on track again.
2. Meanwhile, the new republicans, (Tea Partiers) are too busy barking at the wrong trees, and fighting battles that they were never going to win, to seize this opportunity to lead the country.
Leadership Bypassing Washington
My hope, is that a select few will lead through the people. Go out and start conversations on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus hangouts. Gather intel and ideas and crowd source solutions. Hold press conferences outlining the most recent plans to move the country forward. If you can’t have productive conversations with your fellow leaders, have those conversations with America, and let America put that pressure on their individual leadership to follow suit.
Appeal Two: Market Your Solutions To The People
Let’s STOP talking about what the other person or party did (is doing) wrong, and let’s start talking real plans for real change, growth, and healing for this nation. Show me the leader who will spend more time pointing to the future, and not the past or present, and I will show you my vote for 2016 (as long as that leader is conservative). Stop blaming, start solving. Don’t tell me what they did wrong, show me what we can do? I’d love to see a campaign built 100% on the solution, and 0% on pointing fingers.
One thing you learn in a call center is to address the human need, but bring the call “back to business”. It’s called the Human/Business model for call flow. In Good to Great Jim Collins discussed the Stockdale Paradox, where you must face the facts with both BRUTAL honesty and UNWAIVERING hope. So let’s address the ugliness of human need in this country. The picture is bad, and it’s getting worse and not better. Despite attempts by the media to mask it, we are headed for several cliffs and will absolutely face another big recession sooner than later. This country is not on the road to recovery, it’s on the road to more misery. The choices we’ve made are not sustainable. However, there IS hope. There is a bright future, if we will lay aside our ideologies (on both sides) and work toward a reasonable solution.
Darkness has no choice, in the face of light, but to flee. Let’s bring the light. Let’s stop fearing religion and use it. Let’s let charities and churches do what government never should have been doing. Let’s privatize things the government has no business doing. Let’s start partnerships with Government/Business/Non-Profit’s together to make things work. In the same way that private business moved farther in one year into space technology, than 30 years of government run NASA, so too, charities do a better job of caring for the poor, and other non-governments do better at lots of other things.
At the same time, governments do better at building and running roads, and utilizes than business do. Would you want to drive a Toll Road everywhere you went? Don’t think so! And yet, even here, in Texas, competition with electric companies keeps costs down considerably. Free Markets, with proper restraints to protect people, are the solution to the future. Not more government.
Let’s make a decision that we will NEVER AGAIN bail out a company with public money, no matter how big they are. Let’s let the market correct itself and stop interfering in it with government easing. Let’s open the pipeline and get jobs flowing again, and move America off of eastern oil forever, but at the same time, provide meaningful incentives for real profitable businesses to reduce oil dependency. Let’s clean out and close down agencies that the government isn’t doing well with. Let’s put the same restrictions on them that any business would have to face. Run in the black, or get cut down or off. Let’s make a decision that this country will not borrow more money, ever again.
Let’s start talking about the problems facing this country (without assigning blame to parties or peoples), let’s discuss the ideas and concepts (not the parties or peoples), let’s discuss the problems as they are, in all their ugliness. Then let’s ALSO discuss some ideas to solve them. These are not going to be simple discussions, but trust the American people to have that conversation, and crowd source solutions.
Show me that leader, show me a person who is conservative with real ideas, who’s not afraid to be wrong, admit it, and change… show me honesty, integrity, and someone who can talk without reading a queue card. I’ll vote for him or her.
And now I leave you with a question:
What would you do, if a poltitician was crowd sourcing ideas to improve America?
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