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Monday, January 15, 2024

The Way - A Ficticous Political Party


A friend recently reminded me of my own words from long ago, “Stop telling me what you are against, or don’t want, what are you FOR?” 

With that in mind, I had a long brainstorming session with ChatGPT-4, and I created a fictitious political party platform to set up as a conversation starter. I intend to change this many times in the future as I continue to ponder it. 

If I could wave my magic wand, getting rid of the current paradigms: The American Right and American Left, the Republicans, Democrats, Socialists, Capitalists, Libertarians… and start from a blank slate, what would I be FOR? 

I’ve spent a considerable amount of time meditating on the Ancient Near East, and the Hebrew biblical author’s worldviews (which are almost nothing like medieval theologians or modern Churchianity). 

What might that mean for designing a new system… enough about what I’m not for, let’s talk about what I am for…

The Way – A Ficticous Political Party

Our Vision

The Way is a political movement rooted in the belief that the natural order of the world is entropy and chaos, but humankind was gifted with the ability to cultivate our good world and bring about pockets of life. We believe a society thrives when individual rights are respected and when individuals take responsibility for their fellow human beings in a healthy safe community. We envision a society that is just, compassionate, and forward-thinking. We envision a future where the rights of the individual are harmoniously woven into the fabric of a supportive community, where every person’s potential can be realized, and where the health of our planet is seen as integral to our prosperity. As the ancient Hebrew wisdom writers would say, humankind was placed on earth to be its caretakers and be pockets of Eden in “God’s good world”. We believe that even if you are an atheist, you can get behind that vision.

Our Core Values

  • Compassionate Responsibility: Upholding a sacred duty to support the marginalized and vulnerable, honoring the age-old wisdom that guides us to care for the least among us.
  • Equality of Opportunity: Championing a society where the circumstances of one’s birth do not determine their destiny, and where each individual is afforded the tools and resources to succeed.
  • Balanced Stewardship: Advocating for the guardianship of our environment, pledging to enact policies that safeguard and enrich our planet for the countless generations to come.
  • Innovative and Adaptive Governance: Embracing the best of what history has taught us while fostering innovation, we aim for governance that is responsive, transparent, and accountable. We refuse labels and seek to constantly evolve and grow into better and more innovative methods.
  • Economic Pragmatism: We seek a Third Way, that is neither runaway unregulated capitalism nor all-encompassing oppressive socialism—a way of promoting a fair and sustainable economy that encourages enterprise while ensuring a safety net for ALL, and all means all.
  • Education and Healthcare for All: We are committed to ensuring universal access to high-quality education and healthcare, recognizing these as the cornerstones of a society where every individual can thrive. We understand that one-size-fits-all solutions rarely work out, so we would like to see what innovative ways we could combine private non-profit enterprises with government-backed solutions. We do; however, resist the idea of for-profit healthcare. We would support any move that reduces or eliminates profit motive from all aspects of the education, food commodities, and healthcare fields; choosing instead non-profit, government, and private but not-for-profit solutions.
  • Community and Individuality: We celebrate the individual within the collective, understanding that personal freedoms are most meaningful when they contribute to the common good.

Our Platform

  • Economic Innovation: Foster an economic landscape ripe for entrepreneurship, emphasizing ethical business practices, corporate responsibility, and equitable wealth distribution.
  • Robust Social Welfare: Guarantee comprehensive social protection that addresses the basic needs of food, shelter, and a life of dignity for every person.
  • Accessible Education: Ensure education is a lifelong journey, accessible to all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds, and adaptable to the evolving demands of our world. Education should be made available for free to all students through the Master’s Degree level.
  • Universal Healthcare: Advocate for a healthcare system that is holistic, preventive, and universally accessible, treating healthcare as a fundamental human right. While we would not deny individuals from choosing private plans, we believe basic access to healthcare should be free to all individuals in society.
  • Environmental Policy: Lead the charge in sustainable development, green technology, and urban planning, transitioning to renewable energy and preserving the diversity of life on Earth.
  • Civic Engagement: Strengthen democracy by empowering citizens to actively participate in a transparent and inclusive governance process.
  • Justice and Equality: Reform the justice system to ensure it serves everyone equitably, focusing on rehabilitation, restorative justice, and addressing systemic inequalities.

Technological Harmony and Ecological Flourishing

  • Innovative Stewardship: Borrowing from Transhumanism and Solarpunk, we envision using cutting-edge technology and verdant greenery to foster human flourishing. We aim to create environments where technology serves humanity and the biosphere, helping all life on Earth to thrive and multiply.
  • Sustainable Habitats: Promote urban and rural landscapes that are designed to be self-sustaining and integrated with nature, harnessing the principles of ecological balance.
  • Green Technology: Invest in technologies that reduce waste and pollution, increase efficiency, and make clean energy accessible to all, ensuring that our progress as a society does not come at the cost of our planet’s health.

Join The Way

The Way is a call to those who envision a society that values every person and the Earth we share. It is an invitation to embark on a path of holistic prosperity, where progress is measured not just in economic terms, but in the health and vitality of all forms of life. Join us on this journey to nurture a world where everyone has the opportunity to live with dignity, in harmony with nature, and in a community that supports one another. Together, let’s find The Way.


Shalom: Live Long and Prosper!
Darrell Wolfe (DG Wolfe)
Storyteller | Writer | Thinker | Consultant @

Clifton StrengthsFinder: Intellection, Learner, Ideation, Achiever, Input
16Personalities (Myers-Briggs Type): INFJ


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