In the D.I.S.C inventory: I am a C -Conscientiousness.
Take the DISC assessment here. The disc assessment divides the personality traits into Outgoing (D/I) and Reserved (S/C) and then divides again into People Driven (I/S) and Task Driven (D/C). All people will likely score some in each of the four quadrants. The test then shows "The Real You" and the "The way you behave".I show a strong preference toward the C in both inward tendencies, and outward behaviors. I also show some leaning in the D/S, but VERY little in the I.
People with the C style place an emphasis on working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy.
People with the D style place an emphasis on shaping the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results.
People with the S style place an emphasis on cooperating with others within existing circumstances to carry out the task..
People with the i style place an emphasis on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others.
Another test showed me High in C on both graphs, and higher in I internally than D or S. Huh?! See bottom.
What do the letters mean?
![]() | Dominance Person places emphasis on accomplishing results, the bottom line, confidence | Behaviors - Sees the big picture - Can be blunt - Accepts challenges - Gets straight to the point Learn more |
![]() | Influence Person places emphasis on influencing or persuading others, openness, relationships | Behaviors - Shows enthusiasm - Is optimistic - Likes to collaborate - Dislikes being ignored Learn more |
![]() | Steadiness Person places emphasis on cooperation, sincerity, dependability | Behaviors - Doesn't like to be rushed - Calm manner - Calm approach - Supportive actions - Humility Learn more |
![]() | Conscientiousness Person places emphasis on quality and accuracy, expertise, competency | Behaviors - Enjoys independence - Objective reasoning - Wants the details - Fears being wrong Learn more |
I tested highest on the C, by a long shot, second highest was D for my internal, S medium, I VERY LOW.
DiSC Conscientiousness (C) Profile Overview
DiSC profiles explained: C is for Conscientiousness
If you've recently taken the DiSC® profile, your report has a more personalized explanation of what having a C style means for you. But this can be a useful page to link to and have others learn a bit more about you. Or you can use it to better understand someone you work or live with.People with the C style place an emphasis on working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy.
A person with a C style
- is motivated by opportunities to gain knowledge, showing their expertise, and quality work.
- prioritizes ensuring accuracy, maintaining stability, and challenging assumptions.
- is described as careful, cautious, systematic, diplomatic, accurate and tactful.
- may be limited by being overcritical, overanalyzing and isolating themselves.
- may fear criticism and being wrong.
- values quality and accuracy
- unique accomplishments
- correctness
- stability
- predictable accomplishments
- personal growth
- let go of and delegate tasks
- compromise for the good of the team
- join in social events and celebrations
- make quick decisions
DiSC Classic Patterns: Objective Thinker, Perfectionist, Practitioner
Leadership styles: Deliberate, Humble, Resolute
From our blog: Understanding our C-style colleagues and friends
From our Pinterest site: DiSC C style
DiSC Dominance (D) Profile Overview
DiSC profiles explained: D is for Dominance

People with the D style place an emphasis on shaping the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results.
A person with a D style
- is motivated by winning, competition and success.
- prioritizes accepting challenge, taking action and achieving immediate results.
- is described as direct, demanding, forceful, strong willed, driven, and determined, fast-paced, and self-confident.
- may be limited by lack of concern for others, impatience and open skepticism.
- may fear being seen as vulnerable or being taken advantage of.
- values competency, action, concrete results, personal freedom, challenges.
- unique accomplishments
- new opportunities
- control of audience
- independence
- show patience
- display sensitivity
- get into the details
- allow deliberation
DiSC Classic Patterns: Developer, Results Orientated, Inspirational and Creative
Leadership styles: Commanding, Resolute, Pioneering
From our blog: Understanding our D-style colleagues and friends
From our Pinterest site: DiSC D style
Interested in taking the test yourself?
Much more is available to someone who has completed a DiSC profile. Popular DiSC tests include:DiSC Classic 2.0
Everything DiSC Workplace
Everything DiSC Work of Leaders
Everything DiSC Management
Everything DiSC Sales
What about the other DiSC styles?
DiSC Steadiness (S) Profile Overview
DiSC profiles explained: S is for Steadiness
If you've recently taken the DiSC® profile, your report has a more personalized explanation of what having an S style means for you than what is presented here. You are welcome to link to this page to share this information with others. Or you can use it to better understand someone you work or live with.People with the S style place an emphasis on cooperating with others within existing circumstances to carry out the task..
A person with an S style
- is motivated by cooperation, opportunities to help and sincere appreciation
- prioritizes giving support, collaboration and maintaining stability
- is described as calm, patient, predictable, deliberate, stable and consistent.
- may be limited by being indecisive, overly accommodating and tendency to avoid change
- may fear change, loss of stability and offending others.
- values loyalty, helping others and security
- personal accomplishments
- group acceptance
- power through formal roles and positions of authority
- maintenance of status quo and controlled environment
Will need to expend more energy to:
- quickly adapt to change or unclear expectations
- multitask
- promote themselves
- confront others
DiSC Classic Patterns: Specialist, Achiever, Agent, Investigator
Leadership styles: Inclusive, Humble, Affirming
From our blog: Understanding our S-style colleagues and friends
From our Pinterest site: DiSC S style
DiSC Influence (i) Profile Overview
DiSC profiles explained: i is for Influence

People with the i style place an emphasis on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others.
A person with an i style
- may be limited by being impulsive and disorganized and having lack of follow-through
- is described as convincing, magnetic, enthusiastic, warm, trusting and optimistic
- prioritizes taking action, collaboration, and expressing enthusiasm
- is motivated by social recognition, group activities, and relationships
- may fear loss of influence, disapproval and being ignored
- values coaching and counseling, freedom of expression and democratic relationships
- victory with flair
- friendship and happiness
- authority and prestige status symbols
- popularity
- follow-through completely
- research all the facts
- speak directly and candidly
- stay focused for long periods
DiSC Classic Patterns: Promoter, Persuader, Counselor, Appraiser
Leadership styles: Energizing, Pioneering, Affirming
From our blog: Understanding our i-style colleagues and friends
From our Pinterest site: DiSC i style
Interested in taking the test yourself?
Much more is available to someone who has completed a DiSC profile. Popular DiSC tests include:DiSC Classic 2.0
Everything DiSC Workplace
Everything DiSC Work of Leaders
Everything DiSC Management
Everything DiSC Sales
What about the other DiSC styles?
- Dominance (D) DiSC style explained.
- Conscientiousness (C) DiSC style explained.
- Steadiness (S) DiSC style explained.'s "D"Tendencies seem to be:
Convinced, Cocky, Industrious, Hard working, Outspoken, Opinionated, Zealous, Eager's "I"Tendencies seem to be:
Talkative, Verbal's "S"Tendencies seem to be:
Kind, Nice, Caring, Loyal, True Blue, Considerate, Thoughtful's "C"Tendencies seem to be:
Careful, Cautious, Right, Correct, Contemplative, Thinker, Pondering, Wondering, Guarded, Masked, Protective, Preparing, Researching, Inquisitive, Questioning, Original, Creative's "D"Tendencies are not very:
Demanding, Asserting, Decisive, Sure, Certain, Risk-taking, Courageous, Persistent, Restless, Relentless, Winner, Competitive, Controlling, Taking charge, Direct, To the point, Bottom line, Straight-forward's "I"Tendencies are not very:
Hyper, Energetic, Joyful, Jovial, Merry, Cheerful, Peppy, Playful's "S"Tendencies are not very:
Gentle, Soft, Humble, Contented, Satisfied, Shy, Mild, Sweet, Tender, Compassionate, Timid, Soft-spoken, Tolerant, Patient, Hospitable, Enjoys company
When Both Graphs 1 & 2 Are Generally Different
Your Uniquely You Personality Profile contains basic insights on how you tend to think, feel, and act from a DISC temperament type perspective. If your graphs are generally different, you are simply revealing something contrasting about your behavior. You may be saying that you think people want you to behave one way in public, but you sometimes feel you should respond a different way in private. In other words, if you have a specific high type in Graph 1 and the same type low in Graph 2, you believe that people expect you to be one way in public, but not that way in private.You may also be revealing that you feel that people expect you to behave one way among fellow employees and associates at work or publicly outside your more personal and familiar environments (Graph 1), than you tend to behave either at home under pressure among your closest friends and relatives or in more familiar environments (Graph 2). Keep in mind that Graph 1 is the behavior "expected of you" when you have your guard up and mask on (usually your place of employment or in casual environments). Graph 2 is "the real you" when you let your hair down, drop your guard, or take your mask off (usually at home or among those you know best in more familiar environments).
When both graphs are different, you are either struggling with your motivations and feelings or you are aware of your challenges and perhaps handling them well. Having a different configuration in your two graphs is common and can be very enlightening. It may be a sign that you are mature and capable of controlling your inner feelings and natural thoughts. Or, it can mean that you are not even aware of the struggles within you.
Understanding and adjusting your thoughts, feelings, and actions using these insights can be very productive and wise. Review and study your two graphs, keeping in mind the similarities and differences. Then, learn how to control your motivations rather than letting them control you.
Your LOW "I" on Graph 1 and HIGH "I" on Graph 2
You have a Low "I" on Graph 1 and a High "I" on Graph 2. This usually means you think people expect you to be less influencing and impressing than what you really tend to be. It may indicate that you are more entertaining and enthusiastic than what you show and act publicly. This could explain why you can be more outgoing in private, but not as inspiring or talkative in public.The degree to which you are outgoing is shown by how high or low your "I" is on Graphs 1 or 2. In other words, if your "I" is closer to the bottom of your graph, you will be less influential and impressing than when your "I" is closer to or higher than the midline. If your "I" is just below the midline, you will be a little less interested in people, but not as much as when your "I" is higher than the midline. The lower your "I," the less outgoing and involved you tend to be.
You think people want you to be less active and extroverted in groups, while privately with your closest friends, you may be more people-oriented. You are more expressive among dearest acquaintances than you are among those you don't know as well. This doesn't mean you are not friendly with others. It may indicate that you are more comfortable entertaining or impressing those closest to you than you are with strangers or those you don't know as well.
Your inspiring interest in people causes you to be very motivated to impress smaller and more intimate groups. At work or among those who are not your dearest friends and relatives, you may not be as expressive or excited. You seem to be quicker to speak in private when it is not expected of you, and slower to communicate when you are among strangers.
You are not as driven to look good in public, but you seem to be more talkative and more excited in private. This sometimes causes others to wonder why you are not so friendly outside your home or familiar environments. They may wonder why you tend to be more shy when in large groups or in public. You often give mixed or confusing messages. People sometimes think you don't like or care about them because you seem interested only in your closest acquaintances.
Be more interested in looking good in a crowd. Be as enthusiastic publicly as you can be privately. Learn to be just as friendly and encouraging among those who are not your close friends or relatives.
In summary, your low "I" in Graph 1 and high "I" in Graph 2 means you are more outgoing and friendly among close friends and relatives than you are at work or in unfamiliar environments.
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