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Misty Trees By James Whitesmith |
The Tale of Two Trees
Genesis 2:9 English Standard Version
And out of the ground the LORD God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Man Full Of ZOE
Once upon a time there was a Man, created in the image of God himself. He walked as a representative of God on this earth. This Man was clothed with the very glory of God, so that he was naked, but not ashamed. He knew no sin, sickness, or death of any kind. He had the very power of God flowing through him, connecting him to both heaven and earth at all times. Man never needed his physical senses to know and understand the world around him. Rather, he took pleasure in those senses to explore this world. The knowing, what to call something, how to treat it, what to do, and not to do... this flowed freely from heaven into him, and through him to the world around him.
This essence, this force, this flow was called: ZOE. Often translated LIFE. He could speak to a seed, and it would grow. He could see a new creature, and instantly know what to call it, and the creature would take on the very attributes of the name it was given. This man was reigning on earth as a king and god (small g). He was God's representative. He only said what he heard the Father say, and only did what he saw the Father do. It was a constant free flow of ZOE into him, and through him. He had the power in him to bless the entire planet.
Man and Woman
Man and Woman worked together in this garden, creating, flowing freely from one project to the next. Resting, not out of tiredness, but out of design. They worked in harmony. During the first and last part of each day, Father would come and walk with his children. Man and Woman would laugh and joke with Father. Tease Him over something one of His creation had done that day, often it was the monkeys making a seen.
At night, they would lay down with each other, and sleep. It was never too cold or too hot. It never rained, water came up from the earth and watered the plants. Streams flowed from the garden to water the whole planet.
Two Trees
Also in this garden planet, there were two trees right next to each other. One tree contained the essence of ZOE. Each morning, Man and Woman would travel to the center of the garden, and take of the tree of ZOE and eat. They would be refilled for that day with the LIFE force and essence of the Father. Then, they would head out into the bare earth beyond on the garden, and plant, create, and tend. They would reproduce what Father had created in the garden, on the rest of the planet.This went on for many days, years maybe. It was hard to tell, because they never quite felt a need to measure time, as we do now.
There was another tree in the midst of the Garden, right next to the ZOE tree. It's fruit looked equally as good. However, Father had warned them sternly, that this was the only tree in the entire planet they were NOT to eat from.
The Tree of Knowledge
One day, Man was in the garden with Woman, his other half. They were flowing together in wonderful and beautiful ways. As they approached the tree of ZOE this particular morning, there was another new creature, there were so many all the time. This one was long, like a vine, tall like a tree, and it had legs like stone, and wings on it's back. This particular creature was brilliant in it's shimmering colors, and it breathed fire from time to time. Dragon, some later called him. Serpent, others called him. His offspring were called dinosaurs, lizards, and snakes.
Dragon had blocked the way to the tree of ZOE this day, and directed their attention to the other tree, the Tree of Knowledge. It was this tree that Father had said not to touch: "For in the day you eat of it, you shall surely die!" It was the only time they'd ever seen him stern. Father was always so jovial.
The Dragon
Dragon began a dialogue, and convinced Woman that the Father had lied, and that this tree would make them equal to Father. Woman was deceived and picked one of the fruit and held it in her gaze for some time... pondering. Man was not deceived. He felt in his heart that this was wrong, and yet, something in him wanted it to be true. Then he saw Woman eat of it. She did not change instantly. Nothing happened. This death, Father warned of did not take place. Woman's face enlightened. As though she were receiving revelation upon revelation. She smiled broadly and nodded. Speechless.Woman took another fruit from the tree, and gave it to Man.
Man held it in his gaze for a moment, then so curious over what she must be experiencing, he bit into it. Man too began to experience a host of information coming to him. Dragon smiled at them. But then... Dragon snarled... and laughed, wickedly. Just as soon as Man and Woman had experienced the thrill of the knowledge (and temptations) of Evil, they experienced the pain of the knowledge of Good. Rules, regulations, things they must do to be right... naked... they were naked... fear gripped them, and they were terrified. They hurried to hid sew fig leaves together to hide their nakedness.
Later, after they sat arguing over whose fault this was, the wind changed... the temperature dropped a few degrees... they heard His footsteps, Father was coming...
The Fallout
It's been over 100 years since that day. It used be so easy. Man and Woman, they used to just know what to do, without having to think about it, or try. Now everything is so hard.
Woman is raising two boys... "How do I do this mothering thing? It looked so easy when the animals did it."
Man is finding problems in his tending the garden. It's not full of the life it once had, it doesn't produce as easily, and there are weeds and thorns hindering his work. He's pricked his finger again today.
They both look longingly at the two trees. Wishing they'd gone the other way. Dragon has disappeared... no one had seen him in a while. His offspring still roamed the earth though, making a fuss of things.
They could see the trees, but they could not reach them. Their muscles ached at the end of the day now. The ZOE would have taken care of that, prevented it even. They didn't even realize what they'd lost. Until it was too late.
Lessons from the Two Trees
Did you know Satan has two primary weapons again us? The knowledge of Good and the knowledge of Evil. We all know what evil we ought to avoid, or at least, we try to be aware of it. But do we realize that when he's pushing us from behind to try harder, try harder, try harder, do more, do more, do more... that's ALSO the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Jesus didn't come so that we would be able to do better... or know better.
He came that we might have life, ZOE, and have life in more and more abundant quantities.
Jesus came to restore ALL that was lost in the Garden, and more. When God restores he doesn't just bring back to original condition, He makes it better.
My job isn't to KNOW more about God, or the bible. My job is to tap into the ZOE of God, and flow with him.
Say what I hear Him say.
Do what I see Him do.
In other words... will I #BeStillBeLed?
And now I leave you with a question:
What do you think about Grace?
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