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Thursday, March 6, 2014

God Is...

Who is God to you? How many things can God be to you? Job overcame his nine months of horrible circumstances by forgetting himself entirely and focusing on who GOD is.

We had an interesting exercise the other day. I thought I would put it here to get back to and review.

How many things can you name God is to you?

So here it is. The ever growing list of God is. I don't have time to put them all in today, so I'm going to start the list and come back to it periodically. My goal is to break 365, at which point we could turn this into a journal!

Please add to the list in the comments if you have more I haven't put up yet! If you add one I use, and I do put the journal together someday, I'll notate who gave it, and you'll get a copy of the journal. Just make sure to notate who you are with your google or facebook or twitter handle.

God Is:

  1. My Hero!
  2. My Deliverer
  3. My Savior
  4. My Healer
  5. My Fortune/Treasure
  6. My Abba Father - Daddy
  7. My CEO
  8. My GPS
  9. My Jedi Master Yoda
  10. My Mechanic
  11. My Venture Capitalist Dream Funder
  12. My Defender
  13. God is Great!
  14. ...

How about you? You see anything to add to this? 

Comment below. 

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

By Darrell Wolfe

Bible Study Blog
Personal Blogwww.DarrellWolfe.Com


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