7AM Hutton Financial
Men: Here is a challenge. Initiate Prayer with your wife. You cannot agree w/o prayer. You build relationship with the ones you pray for.
NO MEETING on the 3rd Wed of December. Pick up again in January.
Victory is attained by praying through the mystery into the revelation.
Every situation has a mystery involved. There is an answer to the debt mountain you have. There is an answer to the tax burden you got behind on. There is an answer to handle the task ahead. There is an answer to the marriage problem you've been hammering away at for years. There is an answer to the relationship you have with spouse, kids, parents, siblings, etc... There is an answer to the boss that persecutes you. There is an answer to the promotion that never comes. There is an answer to taking that next hill, victory, battle.

Victory is attained by praying through the mystery into the revelation.
Behind the situation God has hidden for you the deep things. Hidden FOR YOU not from you. Simply take the time to pray, especially in tongues, over the situation. God will take that mystery and reveal the answer to you. When you finally see it you'll say: "OH... is that all... that's so simple... It was there all along."
Victory is attained by praying through the mystery into the revelation.
The meeting details:
Terri Savelle Foy said: writing down the confession isn't enough. Confession my be daily and consistently.
Proverbs 13:12
12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.
12 Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around.
Kenneth Copeland Prophesied for 2012: A year of Suddenlies and Surprises. A year where America can be great again!
The Father in prayer said this to one of us:
Heavenly Father Says: "What do you think I do all day? Do you think I'm distracted? I'm not A.D.D. You are my focus."
So we can trust He is actively involved in our lives.
Pastor Sandy said once in a meeting:
"Some of you think that what you are going through is different..."
That struck a chord. We all have this tendency to feel our case is different. Our case is unique. Anyone can be delivered from this buy me because I'm different. But we're not. All humans have the same weak flesh. All humans have the same things to overcome. Jesus' Blood and Word covered it all.
Someone said: If I can believe God and get out of debt in two years... I can be wealthy in two years! Glory!
Flesh VS Devil: Don't give the devil so much credit. He get's blamed for stuff he didn't even do and he's glad to take the credit. We have a flesh. Sometimes it's just flesh.
Situations are not fixed. ONLY the WORD is fixed!
Taking a look at the word here are some thoughts to ponder. Mystery.
1 Corinthians 14:2-4
Praying in tongues: "In the Spirit he speaks mysteries"
Col 1:27
God made known the riches of this Mystery: Christ in us
Matthew 13:11
It's been given to us to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.
Eph 1:9
We have been given the mystery of his good will.
1 Cor 2:7
We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery.
1 Cor 15
I tell you a mystery...
What other words are there for mystery?
Thesaurus for Mystery:
Puzzle, Secret, Paradox, Problem, Question, Riddle, Romance, Secrecy, Stickler, Stumper....
Do a simple key word search for: "Mystery" in the bible software. You'll find more hits than you probably thought were there. Too see one such search click here.
One such example:
Mark 4:11
11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom ofGod: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:
Mystery Defined:
The greek word for mystery is Musterion.
Mystery of God: the secret counsels which govern God in dealing with the righteous, which are hidden from ungodly and wicked men but plain to the godly
Websters 1828 Dictionary defines:
mysteryMYS'TERY, n. [L. mysterium; Gr. a secret. This word in Greek is rendered also murium latibulum; but probably both senses are from that of hiding or shutting; Gr. to shut, to conceal. God, or in the economy of divine providence, which is not revealed to man. |
In dealing with Faith and Confession:
Confession: Renews the Mind
Faith: Releases the through confession the substance of your renewed mind.
Mystery: It's not unknowable but simply not revealed.
God told Joshua: SEE I have given you the city. You have to see it before you ever go and get it. This can only be done by walking in revealed mystery. Revelation knowledge.
The Spirit searches all things so all things are available to know.
Victory is attained by searching passed the mystery through prayer to revelation.
Jacob, through revelation, turned plain cattle into speckled and spotted cattle.
Men: Here is a challenge. Initiate Prayer with your wife. You cannot agree w/o prayer. You build relationship with the ones you pray for.
Also suggested:
A book by
That's what I got out of the meeting, Darrell G. Wolfe
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